
Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard & IMF Poster Art

Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard & IMF Poster Art.

The Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility’s (PHNSY & IMF) official birth date is May 13, 1908, when Hawaii was still a territory.  It wasn’t until World War II that its workers adopted the motto “We keep them fit to fight”. They’d earned it! After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Navy Yard ran round the clock, with thousands of workers scrambling to put torpedoed ships back in the water as quickly and safely as possible — one of the greatest salvage operations in naval history! Eight days before the Battle of Midway, USS Yorktown (CV 5) limped into Navy Yard Pearl Harbor (now Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility) on May 27th and Yorktown was the key to victory at Midway. Besides being abandoned and sunk on June 7th, her contribution to U.S. naval history, made possible by the heroic efforts of Navy Yard Pearl Harbor workers, is still remembered by a grateful nation. The Shipyard has continuously improved from its modest creation as a coaling and repair station into a world-class Navy complex; these changes reflect the importance the Shipyard has to the U.S. Navy and the global influence of the region. The capabilities provided by the Shipyard enable the U.S. Navy to secure sea lanes of communication and commerce, effectively projecting power across the expansive Pacific and Indian oceans.

Read more here: http://www.navsea.navy.mil/Home/Shipyards/PHNS-IMF/


Design by Max Shirkov

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